The target
With Due Zaini and Un Camallo we want to bring a bit of Liguria into people's hearts. This is our motto.
We started to believe in it from the moment Valentina and I found that sharing is the strongest tool of all to reach people. Here, our first two magazines in the hands of the tourism minister Massimo Garavaglia. We hope to be able to bring out that strip of land from which everything was born.
The project
the project sees as a basic structure the promotion of the Ligurian territory in its entirety, through the "trekkinate" (a term that wants to nicely coin the trekking to the walk) carried out by Luca and Vale, members of the aforementioned cultural association.
These "trekkinate", which we then go on to tell in magazines designed and published by our association, tell of itineraries accessible to all those people who, even without athletic training, want to discover the hinterland of our region. In these paths we go to explore the naturalistic, cultural and food and wine aspects that arise.
Currently two issues of our series of magazines have already been released (we call them magazines because we do not feel able to call them either books or guides, because perhaps after all they are a bit of a fusion of all three formats) which are titled
"Liguria, between land and sea" and "PreponmenteLiguria".
On the first issue, presented on two occasions, in Pietra Ligure with the preface by Slow-Food and then in Loano at the foyer of the Giardino del Principe with the patronage of the municipality of Loano and a preface by IVG.
In this issue there are 25 itineraries spread across the 4 provinces.
On 4 September 2021, however, the second volume of our walks was presented at the Floriseum in Sanremo.
Also in this edition there are 25 routes throughout the territory, with a main focus on walks for children. Personally Luca has a nearly three-year-old daughter, one of whom spent testing itineraries with us, backpacking or simply walking with his dad. The possibility of carrying out experiences in rooted or newly born companies, present in the area, such as a snack between rows of vines, or a small equestrian laboratory that pays attention to the care of farm animals in such a way as to create mutual respect between children and animals.
To support the project we have created this website www.duezainieuncamallo.com (published in three languages, ITA | EN | DE) accessible to all through free registration, where the user can find all the material of the magazine in digital format, including the trace of each single downloadable path in .gpx format that can be used on any device suitable for reading. The site also features a blog, a section dedicated to the gallery,
a section dedicated to experiences in some realities in the area.
This is to complete our idea of Liguria suitable for everyone.
The third issue "Sciûsciâ e sciorbî no se pêu" is expected to be released in January
where we add two important sections: The first is “Legends of
Liguria ”where we will tell the most bizarre and interesting stories of ours
town and, the second, will be entitled Mangià e beive; the latter will come
promoted and edited in collaboration with the Slow Food Conduct
Albenga Finale Alassio, in which will be highlighted, of
time after time, the products of excellence of the territory.
All activities that are subject to experience or visit during
our trekkinate (which we then report in the column) have us
put his face. They are the people, the products, often of
very small realities and the territory that must emerge strong
from the pages of our magazine. In this path, born in
2021, we have activated some collaborations, for example with
the Antola Park with the support of Dr. Federico Marenco e
Luca Alpestre (as a guide), the "Lavender Riviera dei Fiori" project,
Vice versa ASD di Albenga and Slow Food conducted Albenga Finale
Alassio. Simultaneously with the drafting (still in progress of the third
number), we presented our project to the deputy mayor of
Albenga Alberto Passino who gave us a challenge.
Create a special that can tell the story of the ingauno hinterland.
"Challenge" welcomed with pleasure and we are working to make a good impression!
The current project will concern the Municipality of Albenga, Municipality of
Villanova d'Albenga, Municipality of Zuccarello, Municipality of Erli, Municipality of Garlenda, Municipality of Castelbianco, Municipality of Castelvecchio di Rocca Barbena, Municipality of Arnasco, Municipality of Casanova Lerrone, Municipality of Cisano Sul Neva, Municipality of Nasino, Municipality of Ortovero and the Municipality of Ceriale, all of which are part of an IAT area that was born a few years ago.
Although outside the area, we also wanted to ask the Municipality of Onzo and Vendone to join us.
On the other hand, we are planning a similar discussion with Daniele Rembado, deputy mayor of Pietra Ligure, to create an area of experiences also in the hinterland of Val Maremola.
Then again we have an "open game" with the municipality of Loano which, after having sponsored the project in its entirety and having purchased copies of "Liguria, between land and sea" in both Italian and English, sees us as accomplices in organization of some events aimed at discovering the territory. One, the first, "Discovering Mount Carmel" saw over 120 people participate!
Here is where our will to share really comes to life!
We would like to underline that the elaboration of the website, the layout, the photographs, and the elaborated map traced with Garmin gps watches, the management of the instagram page @_duezainieuncamallo_ are only followed by Luca Riolfo. While for the texts and the organization of events, credit must be given to the superfantasmagoric Valentina Staricco.
Confident of being able to collaborate with the municipal administrations, we hope to be able to fill one or more pages of free sponsorships issued by the various Ligurian municipalities, from the smallest to the largest, Genoa.
Long and uphill road? Patience, that to see all of Liguria and tell it, a whole life is not enough, we already know, which is why the project will never end.
Luca & Vale

During our journey we were lucky enough to present our project to several people in various areas of expertise, each one important for the growth of Due Zaini and Un Camallo. Here are some of them:

Delivery of 300 copies of the first issue of our magazine purchased by the municipality of Loano to the mayor Luigi Pignocca
Presentation of the project to Dr. Gian Franceco Lupattelli president of Aces Europa and MSP Italia
Presentation of the project to the president of the Provincial Union of Hoteliers and Industrialists of Savona, Angelo Berlangieri

Our collaboration with Monica Maroglio fiduciary of Slow Food conducted Albenga Finale Alassio

Present at the delivery of the Loano European City of Sport flag

Presentation of the project to the tourism minister Massimo Garavaglia
The territorial fabric is increasingly gaining ground in the ingauno area. Here with the mayor of Cisano Sul Neva to talk about Outdoor and start a nice project

The mayor of Albenga Riccardo Tomatis and his deputy Alberto Passino include the special "Albenga and Entroterra Ingauno" in the tourism plan for the year 2022

01/11/2021 The Deputy Mayor of Pietra Ligure and councilor for tourism, Daniele Rembado at the delivery of the copies purchased by the municipality
Presentation of the Albenga edition at the San Carlo Auditorium with Chiara D'Aurizio in collaboration with the portal www.scoprialbenga.it

Here with the mayor of Pigna Roberto Trutalli, in the development of the regional project "Tell me about the Parks" at the church of San Bernardo
With the councilor of Loano Remo Zaccaria in planning together a special edition for Loano and the district in order to relaunch the outdoors in our city

17/02/2022 With the mayor of Laigueglia Roberto Sasso Del Verme at the presentation of the special issue "Laigueglia, more than sea "
With the mayor of Loano Luca Lettieri and the councilor for tourism Enrica Rocca at the delivery of the stickers of the Fugassa Tour to the bakeries in Loano

With the mayor of Triora Massimo Di Fazio during the development of our itinerary

With Luciano Costa, president of AsD Run Riviera Run in the partnership of our friendship with the Walk Riviera Walk

With the vice-president of the Liguria Region Alessandro Piana, regional councilor with delegates to tourism
02/03 / 2022
Our magazine counted among the Laigueglia Trophy awards. Here in the hands of the winner Jan Polanc
08/03/2022 With Fabrizio Giorgini, world semifinalist at Espresso Italiano Champion 2017 and taster of coffee & Italian Espresso Specialist for the IIAC

Ritual photo after the partnership with Finale Outdoor Region and its president Stefano Schiappapietra and Maria Luisa Surico Social Media Manager

With Equus Lab in carrying out urban Pet Therapy at the Ramella Institute in Loano and the Falcone Institute.
Dzeuc for the Social
With the starred chef Giuseppe Ricchebuono in the development of the Mangia e Beive section

10/04 / 2022
Conceived with the cartoonist "RO" the comic series of Due Zaini and Un Camallo aimed at children, "the Young Camallo's Manual"
With the theater actress Alessandra Munerol, in the development of the project "Percorsi Al Buio".

The Vice President of the Liguria Region Alessandro Piana with the edition "Laigueglia, more than sea "

La nostra prima didattica rivolta ai più piccini presso l'Istituto Rossello di Loano
Esce il "Gioco del Camallo" progetto ludico per imparare a rispettare la natura giocando. Un tema sociale sviluppato sotto forma di gioco da tavola per interagire con i più piccoli

Sergio Friscia presenta su Canale5 il nostro progetto, preannunciando l'imminente uscita de I Gunfia Gagge.

Collaborano con noi il Corpo Forestale dei Carabinieri per la redazione di un articolo

Collaboriamo con Andrea Puleo per ripercorrere la marcia del Colonnello Joubert per creare un itinerario storico culturale
Guido Gargioni crea per noi un simpatico doppiaggio in dialetto Genovese

Giulia Eleonora Musso presenta il nostro ultimo lavoro grazie alla sua prefazione

Collaborano con noi il Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco per la redazione di un articolo

A Vittorio Brumotti spetterà redigere la nostra prefazione del nono numero
Consegna del volume monotematico creato in formato digitale al sindaco di Borgio Verezzi, Renato Dacquino

Torna in scena la didattica del Camallo nella scuola primaria di Cisano Sul Neva