06/09 Presentation of the new magazine
Here we are with the release of our VI magazine and the environmental awareness project aimed at children: The Manual of Young Camallo and "I am not afraid of the wolf" with his friend Pietro Saccone
06/09 Presentation of the new magazine
Here we are with the release of our VI magazine and the environmental awareness project aimed at children: The Manual of Young Camallo and "I am not afraid of the wolf" with his friend Pietro Saccone

06/09 Presentation of the new magazine
Here we are with the release of our VI magazine and the environmental awareness project aimed at children: The Manual of Young Camallo and "I am not afraid of the wolf" with his friend Pietro Saccone
06/09 Presentation of the new magazine
Here we are with the release of our VI magazine and the environmental awareness project aimed at children: The Manual of Young Camallo and "I am not afraid of the wolf" with his friend Pietro Saccone

15/10/22 4 passi insieme
I Due Zaini e Un Camallo tornano insieme ad EquusLab a solcare il territorio loanese con il Gruppo Giovani Loano2.0 e Il Carmelo Ligure per una giornata dedicata al volontariato. Piccolo trek insieme e merenda in vigna! Vi aspettiamo

06/09/22 Il Manuale del Giovane Camallo
In occasione della presentazione del nuovo numero dedicato a FOR, illustreremo il nostro progetto dedicato ai bambini.

24/04 Presentation of the new magazine
During the delivery of the bibs for the "La Rapidissima 10k" competition organized by Run Riviera Run, at the Polisportiva of Pietra Ligure, the new issue of our magazine will be presented. Event at 18
24/04/22 Presentazione nuova rivista
Durante la consegna dei pettorali della competizione "La Rapidissima 10k" organizzata da Run Riviera Run, presso la Polisportiva di Pietra Ligure, verrà presentato il nuovo numero della nostra rivista. Evento alle ore 18

03/01 Loano not conventional experiences
In the council chamber of the Municipality of Loano at 18:00 on 03/01/2022 we will present the new issue of our magazines; Loano not conventional experiences

03/01 Loano not conventional experiences
In the council chamber of the Municipality of Loano at 18:00 on 03/01/2022 we will present the new issue of our magazines; Loano not conventional experiences

19/10 Face to face with nature
Simple trekking to discover San Pietrino starting from Boissano with Yoga lesson by Pamela Rossignolo, certified csen teacher. A small step to reconnect with nature and "vibrate" with it.
Event reserved for DZEUC members

27/8 Trekking
Trekking suitable for everyone to discover the 4 villages of Verezzi accompanied by the voice of the artist Pamela Guglielmetti and snack by the A Carubba Du Bungiurnu farmhouse. Mandatory membership.

11/08 Camallo on air
We tell about ourselves on Radio Onda Ligure

06/09 Presentation of the new magazine
Here we are with the release of our VI magazine and the environmental awareness project aimed at children: The Manual of Young Camallo and "I am not afraid of the wolf" with his friend Pietro Saccone

06/09 Presentation of the new magazine
Here we are with the release of our VI magazine and the environmental awareness project aimed at children: The Manual of Young Camallo and "I am not afraid of the wolf" with his friend Pietro Saccone

06/09 Presentation of the new magazine
Here we are with the release of our VI magazine and the environmental awareness project aimed at children: The Manual of Young Camallo and "I am not afraid of the wolf" with his friend Pietro Saccone

19/11/22 4 passi insieme
Dopo il successo ottenuto a Loano, ecco proposto il format ad Albenga.

18/09/22 Slow Food & Trekking
Una giornata dedicata alla scoperta di Borgio e Verezzi con la guida ambientale Vera De Martino, l'Osteria del Tempo Stretto e Slow Food!!

06/09 Pact for reading
A new opportunity to talk about Liguria in the new setting of the VI issue of Due Zaini and Un Camallo

Didattica del Camallo
Inizia la nostra avventura nel mondo de: "Il Manuale del giovane Camallo" presso il campo solare Rossello di Loano! 20 bambini e special guest Carolina

18-20 / 03 Gluttonous gluten-free
In collaboration with "Golosi without gluten", a cooking course open to all is organized at the Vale farmhouse

02/03 Laigueglia Trophy
We will be present at the Laigueglia 2022 Trophy to pay homage to the winners of the race our magazine "Sciuscia e Sciorbi non se peu"
30/10 Tourism site
Presentation of the special on Albenga and Hinterland Ingauno at the San Carlo Auditorium during the "Cantiere del Turismo" event of which Albenga is the promoter.

11/09 Visit to Carmel
Visit to the Convent of Monte Carmelo in Loano, passing by the cloister and then by the Carmel gardens that offer products at Km 0 at their farm
18/8 Presentation
Wednesday 18 August 2021 in the foyer of the Giardino del Principe di Loano at 9.00 pm

28/07 Slow Food
Our first presentation at the Cafetoso in Pietra Ligure by Slow Food with tasting by the farm A Maccia di Ranzo (Im)