Collaborate with us
During our journey up to here we have collaborated with people and activities. Those who have followed us from the beginning know this well. The most important vehicle for us is always word of mouth but sometimes, you know, that's not enough.
Liguria is made up of people, with different attitudes and particularities and various fields of competence and professionalism.
All indiscriminately important to keep together that economic and social fabric that is so dear to us.
With the inclusion of the Mangià e Beive column in the next editions of the magazine, edited with Slow Food, the number of people reached has risen exponentially.
If you believe you have an activity linked to the territory and you want to tell us about it and make it live, we will take all the ideas to be able to tell it through our format.
Or do you have a product that you deem worthy? A profession that slowly gets lost?
We will evaluate all the requests and see if and how to marry them with what DZEUC is, as it is conceived.
In each article, however, we tell you right now, we need you to put your face to it; every experience that you tell us must and must reflect reality, with no frills whatsoever.
We dedicate time to what we do, with passion and mutual respect, to producers, breeders, artisans, tourists, ourselves but, above all, to readers who deserve to be able to find and relive what we write in our publications. .
Luca & Vale
write to

In March 2022 we organized a charity walk together with Equus Lab of Castelbianco, bringing Pet Therapy (three ponies, a sheep, a Genoan cat and a labrador) inside the A. Ramella di Loano Protected Residence, where we will be welcomed. there were about thirty grandparents who pampered our furry friends.
The initiative also involved the children of the Medical Pedagogical Institute of Borghetto Santo Spirito and some special children of the Falcone Institute of Loano.

To honor the work of the local Red Cross, we created a charity auction where an editorial draft of one of our magazines was auctioned.
The proceeds were entirely donated to charity.

During the campaign for the collection of basic necessities organized by the Discalced Carmelites of Loano at the Convent of Monte Carmelo, we actively participated in the initiative

Ben consci che magari non tutti possano avere la disponibilità di acquistare anche una semplice rivista come la nostra e appagati dal voler condividere il bello che la nostra regione può e sa offrire, abbiamo deciso di donare ad alcune biblioteche civiche del nostro comprensorio, alcuni nostri volumi, così da renderli sempre disponibili alla consultazione.
Attualmente li potete trovare nelle biblioteche di: Loano, Pietra Ligure, Finale Ligure, Tovo San Giacomo, Borgio Verezzi, Borghetto Santo Spirito, Ceriale, Bardineto e Laigueglia. Altre in arrivo e consultabili qui: link

Con la collaborazione del pluripremiato campione del mondo di Motocross Freestyle abbiamo concepito una vendita benefica di alcune Box Natalize raccogliendo la somma di € 400,00 a favore di Gaslininsieme

MARZO 2024
Con la collaborazione dell'associazione di volontari "Supereroi Per Voi" di Savona e la Panetteria Pippo di Finale Ligure abbiamo effettuato una raccolta fondi a favore dell'associazione ABEO Liguria. Una Supercombo di Pasqua del valore di € 35,00/cad. ha visto in vendita un puzzle di alcuni panorami della Liguria + una colomba artigianale. Tutto il ricavato è stato donato.