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Trekkinate Liguri

Welcome to our community, the most passionate and passionate trekking fan site in Liguria.

Here you will find the latest updates, exclusive info, photos, itineraries and much more.

We are based in Loano, but we are always open and available to expand throughout the Ligurian territory.

Explore the website and join us as we discover this fantastic region

Luca e Valentina
Servizio su Striscia La Notizia
Vanni Oddera
Giorgia Ferrero
Dario e Caterina Vergassola
Ivano Ricchebono
Spereroi per voi
Laura Guglielmi al Forte di Santa Tecla
Didattica del camallo
Vittorio Brumotti
Debora Bosoni
Enrico Macchiavello
Carabinieri Forestali
Vigili del Fuoco
Guido Gargioni
Giuse Ricchebuono
Giulia Eleonora Musso
Massimo Morini
Chef Giorgio Servetto
Home: Benvenuti

The project

Our idea of sharing came about by pure chance. We are Luca and Valentina, managers of accommodation activities in Liguria and, during the pandemic, we decided to create a common space where we can share the passion for our region outside of the usual sea tourism. Here we want you to always be up to date on what we are doing and upcoming events. Check out the latest updates!

I nostri numeri

Prenota il tuo test drive ad Albenga

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ATTENTION: the reading of this publication and the consequent carrying out of the trips cannot in any way give rise to any request for compensation and reimbursement or to judicial / arbitration proceedings for accidents, damage to persons / property including third parties, and any reason against of the authors themselves, which relieves them of all civil and criminal liability, even objective ones. Itineraries and descriptions given in this publication must be seen only as general ideas and premises for planning one's own trips, they cannot in any case be considered as certain advice or indications.

What is reported in the publications "Due Zaini e Un Camallo" and on the related web / social / blog spaces has been compiled and checked with care, however oversights, errors or changes that are not promptly updated are always possible. The trips proposed with children are always intended net of strollers; however, it is advisable to have a special backpack with you for transport and to take all the necessary precautions to make the trip safe. We are not responsible for possible mistakes, errors and inconveniences along the routes (urban and otherwise). Therefore we decline all responsibility for possible misunderstandings or damage to property and users.

It is recommended, always and in any case, prudence and attention by carefully evaluating one's technical and physical abilities. Always attentive to the evolution of time, respect for nature.

Before tackling any path it is always advisable to inquire locally about the practicability of the paths and to contact the Tourist Offices, Refuge Managers, Alpine Guides Office, Business owners.

We take our waste home and leave no trace of our passage.


2022 © two backpacks and a camallo - reproduction prohibited

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